Category: Marketing Tips

5 Key Sale Techniques for Your Auto Shop Products and Services

Try implementing these 5 great strategies to your marketing and management plan to better sell your services  Yes it’s true! A picture is worth a thousand words. This saying is relevant even when that picture is a sales pitch. Like any sale, putting the right image into your customers mind is imperative to doing business. …

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5 Books Every Shop Owner Must Read

“The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read.” – Abraham Lincoln Hello everyone, I just came across this great post from our friends over at Ratchet+Wrench. It talks about the best 5 books that every shop owner or manager must …

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How to Find and Keep Good Technicians for your Auto Repair Shop

Provide a healthy work-life balance

Last week we talked about how to create effective technicians for your shop, and most people seem to agree with what we spoke about. However, there is probably one important factor that we forgot to mention and that is how much a tech should be paid in order for both parties to have a healthy …

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3 Keys to Success for your Auto Repair Shop

“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” – Winston Churchill We speak to clients every day about how their automotive repair shop is doing and we realized a major trend after speaking to so many automotive professionals. Everyone we speak to usually has the same qualities. They are hardworking, have a lot of …

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Another Awesome Way to Market your Automotive Repair Shop Website!

Hey Guys, So doing a bit of research I found another great company where you will be able to market your automotive repair shop website. It is called They have been around for a couple of years now and they are a company where you can basically create a FREE listing for your repair …

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How to reach $2,000,000 in Automotive Repair Sales

I want to speak to everyone about something very important today. It is about how to achieve your goals and be successful, and I am assuming that if you are reading this, then one of your goals is to own an Automotive Repair shop that makes at least $2,000,000 in sales. Now, if that is …

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Should You Use a Live Chat Feature for your Auto Repair Shop Website?

It is one thing getting your clients to the door; it is another thing making them stay. Have you ever wondered how you can engage every person that visits your website? Now, with the use of a Live Chat Feature you can engage every person that visits your website very easily. All you have to …

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What kind of business are you in?

When asked that question what do you usually say? Most business owners will always say that they are in the business that they are in and that’s it. So if its auto repair, you are in the business of fixing cars, if its real estate, you are in the business of selling homes, if it’s …

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10 Quick Marketing Tips to Increase Your Auto Repair Shop Clientele

As we all know, every business nowadays needs marketing in order to succeed. So we deiced to write down 10 quick and inexpensive marketing tips that will increase the clientele in this upcoming year. Make sure you take each one at a time and once you have done all of them, please let us know …

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